It amazed me when I heard the Attorney General, Lawyer Godfred Dame claiming in an interview that, practicing law in Ghana is not a right but a privilege, the AG got it wrong.

Law practice is a profession and therefore an economic right which the 1992 constitution in article 24(1) has provided for every qualified Ghanaian.

The constitution in the authority cited supra provided that, every person has the right to work under satisfactory, safe and healthy conditions, and shall receive equal pay for equal work without distinction of any kind

Practicing law in Ghana is working, and every Ghanaian have an economic right to work, and receive payment for same without distinction of any kind, so it is inappropriate for the AG to claim Practicing law in Ghana is not a right but a privilege, if the AGs position is the case, then what it means is that working in Ghana is a privilege and not a right, and one will ask what is the therfore an economic right for the Ghanaian citizen?

How it is the right of a carpenter and driver to work and be paid for the work done in Ghana, same way it is a right for a lawyer to also work and be paid for, therefore, law Practice which is a job, is an economic right of the Ghanaian citizen but not a privilege.

Access to the professional law school at makola is equally a right and not a privilege, the 1992 constitution in article 25 provided for educational right for all citizens of which the Ghana school of law is not excluded.

Article 25(1) provides that, All persons shall have the right to equal educational opportunities and facilities and with a view to achieving the full realisation of that educational right:

And 25(1)(c) went on to established that *high education shall be equally accessible to all on, the basis of capacity and every appropriate means so it is quite strange for a learned attorney General like Godfred Dame to confused himself with right and privilege, to work and to school in Ghana is a right and never a privilege.

It is not a crme to study and practice law in Ghana, the country’s legal education needs immediate reforms and competition, the monopoly is not helping the situation.

Admit the 499, it is their right and not a privilege

Oti regional Deputy Communication Officer NDC


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